
per spek tiv
A technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.

the state of one’s ideas, the facts known to one, etc., in having a meaningful interrelationship

Do you ever get so focused on one particular aspect of a thing only to realize you are seeing it differently than you thought?  I mean, you imagine it one way and in seeing it, you try to force it to conform to what you imagined?  It may or may never be what you once thought it was, but it also might never have been.  Wanting something to be that way will not magically make it that way.

That’s just vague enough to sound like a horoscope.  Aquarius: Something will happen today that you won’t recognize happened until you remember that something was supposed to have happened.

Anyway, back to what I was saying.  Sometimes I get so caught up in trying to make the world conform to how I think it should be, that I forget how it really is.  I forget that doing the right thing won’t keep you from being made a fool.  I forget sometimes that having the right-of-way won’t make you any less dead in an accident.  You still have to pay attention.  You still have to occasionally change your point of view, if only to protect your sanity.

When I drew today’s Every Day Matters challenge, draw your glasses, I stared at the finished sketch for several minutes.  There is something off, more off than usual.  It took me a while to realize that I sat straight up while trying to draw what I see on a sketchbook laying flat on the table.  So, looking straight on, the perspective was askew.

EDM 11: Draw your glasses

Know When to Quit

How often have we been told to never surrender?  Never quit trying!  If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!  When you fall off that horse, you’ve got to get right back in that saddle!  Rehab is for quitters!

There was a point in today’s challenge that this slightly resembled my hand.  That was the time to quit.  It wasn’t quite right so just kept tweaking it until it looks like the cover of one of the ’50’s dime horror magazines.  Picture it in green.

EDM 10: Draw your hand(s)

Organized Chaos

Today’s Everyday Matters challenge was to draw a bit of organized chaos.  Wow if that’s not my whole life in a nutshell!  Every where I look there’s a book I’m reading or mean to read or just finished reading.  There’s a pile of magazines scattered through my office full of projects for me to take on from learning a new acoustic guitar song and drawing realistic legs, to the latest tech craze and fixing that nasty slice in my golf swing.  There are PILES of these things, I tell ya.  It doesn’t stop there.  There’re my art supplies that need organized and put away strewn about my desktop.  There are tools stacked throughout the house for various projects in different stages of completion.  That’s just the physical stuff.  That doesn’t even touch the emotional things going on in my world right now, let alone what I want to be when I grow up.  I’m not sure I’ll ever get that organized, but maybe I can shove it into a tote and slide it under the bed.

EDM 9: Draw a bit of organized chaos

EDM 8: Draw Your Watch

It really feels good to just stop thinking about the day and spend just a few minutes completing one of these challenges.  It works as a practical meditation for me.  They say that anything you do for 21 days has a 50% chance of becoming a lifelong habit.  Today is day 8, the first day of the second week.  Here’s to a bunch of good habits for a change.

EDM 8: Draw your watch or jewelry

A Day at the Zoo

Bearded Barbet

For at least the last thirteen years, my little family has maintained a membership at the zoo.  For a nominal fee we gain unlimited visits.  This comes in really handy for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is all of the entertainment value when you can’t afford anything else.

Today was absolutetly gorgeous at around 65F with a light breeze and not a cloud in the sky.  It being a late Sunday afternoon, there wasn’t much of a croud to speak of.  We had the run of the place and I sketched everything from a bearded barbet to a wild moira.


Wild Moira

Today’s EDM Challenge is to draw a bottle, jar, or tin from your kitchen.

EDM 6: Draw a bottle, jar, or tin from your kitchen