EDM 126

edm126skyscapeDrawing “skyscapes” is very difficult for me when done without color.  Even with color, it’s hard to make a cloud look like it’s not just an uncolored patch of paper.  If anyone has a good “drawing clouds” tutorial, I’d love to see it.  I never know how much “landscape” to leave in or detail to try and include.  Also, you have to wait until there is something in the sky to draw.  Otherwise, you are just trying to represent “blue” in graphite.

EDM 125 and Modify

modifyThis week’s Illustration Friday challenge was “Modify.”  While thinking about this one, I happened to look up at the folks with their laptops lining the counter at the coffee shop.  We used to spray paint and decorate the cases of our computers back in “the day.”  We probably still should.

edm125spongeEDM 125, draw a sponge.  I think this is my favorite style of drawing.  The extreme close up still life.  I would like to do one of these on a six foot panel.