The Artistic Biker Does Summer Heat

This week on The Artistic Biker Live! it’s 103F!!! It’s freakin’ hot in Oklahoma.  I painted a background of various summer activities overshadowed by an almost exploding thermometer.  Also, Deina (@theamplegoddess) and her lovely family joined us in studio.  FUN TIMES!

Click Here to watch The Artistic Biker Does Summer Heat!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6:30-8p CT.


@DarcyW has a series of prompts and challenges going on at her Art and Sole website called 52 Pages. She’ll give you a single word prompt like “Endeavor”, “Crush”, or “Replicate”, and leave it to your imagination how you will use it in your journal.

Donations: in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution!  Oasis Studios and Gallery is a newly formed art center in rural Oklahoma.  We provide space, material, and instruction for artistic projects to young and old.  Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

@gypsy999 has a challenge out there for you to “journal” on an index card every day.  Just something that small could spark your creativity like a jolt of lightening.  Check it out Here!

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much! Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

Here are the folks that sent me links to their work for the What’s On Your Easel segment of the show.  If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in this segment, send me tweet or e-mail me with a link to your blog or photo hosting page like Flickr.

The You Tube:

You can watch the video at The You Tube or in the embedded player below:


Link Lovelies

At some point on The Artist Biker Live!, usually the last ten minutes, we open the links up in the chat for everyone to share and promote their works.  All you need to get in this list is be at the show for more than half of it and post your link when announced, or be in attendance five of the previous eight shows.



Art Journal Spider Webs

Spider Web screen capture

This week on The Artistic Biker Live! Taking a cue from Emil “Rocky” Fiore (, I decided to try and capture a spider web intact in my journal. I took my journal and my spray paints, my camera and my friend out to the bridge behind the studio and caught two abandoned spider webs for my background.  Then I painted some spidery goodness while eating ice cream from the ice cream man who happened by.  It was a very fun night!

Click Here to watch The Artistic Biker Does Spider Webs!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6:30-8p CT.


Art Journaling Dot Ning Dot Com has two new workshops that are donation based.  The Cult of Stuff is a workshop dedicated to art journaling without all of the stencils and stamps – just a very basic pad and some pens.  Also, the In The Sun workshop is a follow along prompt list to get your butt out and creating.

While we’re talking about donations, in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution! Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

@DarcyW has a series of prompts and challenges going on at her Art and Sole website called 52 Pages. She’ll give you a single word prompt like “Endeavor”, “Crush”, or “Replicate”, and leave it to your imagination how you will use it in your journal.

@TheMightyJay has another edition of The Dark Muse available for download.  I have been in every issue so far, but this month I wasn’t able to contribute.  However, my good friend Jay went ahead and did a brief write up for me anyway.  Thanks Jay!

@gypsy999 has a challenge out there for you to “journal” on an index card every day.  Just something that small could spark your creativity like a jolt of lightening.  Check it out Here!

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much!Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

Here are the folks that sent me links to their work for the What’s On Your Easel segment of the show.  If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in this segment, send me tweet or e-mail me with a link to your blog or photo hosting page like Flickr.

The You Tube:

this week's journal entry

You can watch the video at The You Tube or in the embedded player below:


Link Lovelies

At some point on The Artist Biker Live!, usually the last ten minutes, we open the links up in the chat for everyone to share and promote their works.  All you need to get in this list is be at the show for more than half of it and post your link when announced, or be in attendance five of the previous eight shows.


Art Journal Tornadoes & Ruby Biker Boots

Screen capture from ustream

This week on The Artistic Biker Live! I did a page dedicated to the recent tornadoes that have been ripping across the U.S.  Normally, I would just say ripping across the southwest, but with the recent ones in New York, Maine, and Massachusetts, it’s the whole danged country getting ripped.  If you or your loved ones have been affected by the recent storms, please know that all of us have you in our hearts, minds, and prayers.  You can see the sepia toned gray scale country house and all of the colors on the other side of the rainbow, right before I paint a great big pair of ruby studded biker boots and declare there’s no place like home.

Click Here to watch The Artistic Biker Does Ruby Biker Boots!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6-8p CDT.


Moon-light Studios is gearing up for a 10-week certified drawing class.  Upon completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal or just paste into your journal.  The class is designed to help any skill level artist improve.  The best part is the class is only $25! I lied, THE BEST PART is that of that $25, Jay will donate $5 to Oasis Studios and Gallery (my studio where we broadcast The Artistic Biker Live!).  He also has said that anything you pay above that, he will donate too! Click Here for Moonlight Studios Drawing Classes!

While we’re talking about donations, in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution! Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

@DarcyW has a series of prompts and challenges going on at her Art and Sole website called 52 Pages. She’ll give you a single word prompt like “Endeavor”, “Crush”, or “Replicate”, and leave it to your imagination how you will use it in your journal.

Art Journaling Dot Ning Dot Com has two new workshops that are donation based.  The Cult of Stuff is a workshop dedicated to art journaling without all of the stencils and stamps – just a very basic pad and some pens.  Also, the In The Sun workshop is a follow along prompt list to get your butt out and creating.

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much!Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

Here are the folks that sent me links to their work for the What’s On Your Easel segment of the show.  If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in this segment, send me tweet or e-mail me with a link to your blog or photo hosting page like Flickr.

The You Tube:

ruby biker boots

@TheAmpleGoddess told me when she saw this on Twitter that she could TOTALLY see me wearing these.  And I *SO* would!

You can watch the video at The You Tube or in the embedded player below:


Link Lovelies

At some point on The Artist Biker Live!, usually the last ten minutes, we open the links up in the chat for everyone to share and promote their works.  All you need to get in this list is be at the show for more than half of it and post your link when announced, or be in attendance five of the previous eight shows.