Drawing Class in Perspective!

Watch the class here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19129250
Get the Login info here: http://eepurl.com/hKQe-/

Sign up for the newsletter to learn about upcoming classes and workshops as well as cool, art related links! https://www.artisticbiker.com/newsletter/

Perspective is one of those subjects that you could talk about and study for years, but I only had an hour so I just hit the highlights. However, I covered a LOT of information fast and furious in out little one hour session. I discussed when and how to use simple up close perspective VS. two point. I discussed using the basic knowledge of perspective to block in your subject so you can spend more time on the details. Finally I illustrate how perspective plays a part in figure drawing and still lifes as well as landscapes.

For other classes please visit The Classroom here: https://www.artisticbiker.com/category/ppp/


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A Brief Note 11DEC2011

Hello Peoples!

Not so much happened with the construction at the studio this week.  I did manage to get quite a bit of the cleanup done.  When it was so very cold, I would work until I couldn’t feel my hands anymore.  Then I would quit and go home for the night with the promise of cleaning up the next night.  The next night would come and I would just work like that again.  Anyway, not that there’s heat, there’s a pile of scraps and sawdust that has to be cleaned up before I can go any further.  So that’s what I was working on over the weekend.

Those of you who are Friends of Oasis members, the classes should be added much more quickly now that I have figured out a much simpler way to edit and get them online.  By next weekend I should have all of the past classes online for you and any new classes should be up almost immediately.  Right now, you can see all that’s there by clicking on The Classroom

This week’s password comes to us from the sexy, red headed Darcy beast.  While discussing the password, she was obviously thinking about kissing and popped up with: mistletoe

The Classroom site is http://www.ustream.tv/channel/oasisgalleryok

Drawing Class:  Perspective – Tuesday night 6pm central.  This week I will demonstrate how point of view changes what you see and what you should expect to see.  Knowing what to expect helps predict reality… and sometimes surreality.  That’s not even a word.

Painting Class: Reference Painting – Wednesday night 6pm central. With the upper half of the planet firmly stuck in winter, many of the fun things to paint are hard to come by.  So on Wednesday, we’ll play with the pros and cons of using photo references for your paintings.

The past classes are moving into the Pay-per-view side of ustream and on artisticbiker.com as well. $2 lets you view them online at Ustream, $5 lets you download them at artisticbiker.com, and a $10/month membership gets you unlimited downloads from the site.

Click Here to Join! artisticbiker.com/membership

See you



Art Journal: Wild Thing!

My beautiful young bride has been doing P90X. I know that I have talked about it on the show before, but she is really kicking butt at it. My experience was that it instead kicked MY butt. Anyway, I tell her that she is beautiful and that she is my wild thing. This journal entry is devoted to that, complete with D. H. Lawrence's quote, "I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall dead, frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

Watch it on the ustream raw: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19016563 and http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19018097 because I blew a breaker and had to start again.
Watch the 5 minute version on the You Tube: Art Journal Wild Thing

Featured artists this week were:
+Darcy Wilkinson http://art-and-sole.blogspot.com/2011/11/tangled-chameleon.html
+Kerri Love http://yfrog.com/nwn23yej
+jay the viking http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v694/Juriaan13/BlackWidowsmall.jpg
+Leslie Herger http://campl.us/g2lA
and +Bill Flowers http://www.redbubble.com/people/SnakeArtist

This week's in channel guest links:


Also, there were some artist resource links provided:
and http://fineart.sk/


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Painting Class 2: making things POP!

make it pop demo photo Tonight I gave three simple things you can do to make your subjects POP off of your canvas: Atmospheric perspective, Glazing, and underpainting in complimentary colors. Try them out and let me know your results!

[nonmember]This class is no longer available as free content.  You may download this class for $5 by clicking the PayPal button below.

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Drawing Class 2: A Drinking Glass

drinking glass photoLines, elipses, and reflections, oh my! This week we focus on the shading of cylinders, practicing line and elipse drawing and noticing the particulars in a drinking glass.

[nonmember]This class is no longer available as free content.  All classes are left free online at Oasis Studio’s Ustream for four weeks after recording.  You may download and watch at your leisure here for $5.

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