Finally A Popcorn!

I've been painting a popcorn in Painting Class. I've been using this to illustrate basic shading and highlight techniques, as well as a bit of my own flair and why I do it. Anyway, I'm calling this one done and I'll start a new project next week.

You can join me weekly for Painting Class at Live drawing and painting classes are absolutely free, but it's a password protected channel to make sure that everyone who wanders in there is there on purpose. You get the password from the weekly newsletter here:


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A Brief Note 04DEC2011

Hello Peoples!

Busy, busy happenings at Oasis Studios & Gallery!  My dad and I got the central heat working so it won’t be so bone cold.  That means that we can have the Midnight at Oasis parties!  Now I need to line up some guests.  :)

SEVERAL of you have already signed up for membership at! I truly, TRULY appreciate each and every one of you.  Please take the time to poke around and try to break the site.  I’m writing a full guide to go out with the welcome e-mails in the future and I want to be able to address as many confusing issues as I can.  MOST of what is available to you as a premium member will be found under The Classroom link on the upper left column.  There are plenty other things to come, but I am trying to make sure everything is quality as I go.  One thing I definitely need to know about is if you are a premium member and you see a paypal button anywhere, please tell me.  Once you subscribe, all further content is free to you.

We didn’t have a show this week so I wasn’t able to get next week’s password out.  A quick note about the passwords, if you try to access the site on Monday and the password doesn’t work?  It’s because I haven’t gotten around to changing it yet.  That means the previous password is still active and you can look at the last newsletter to find that.  I shall endeavor to be more diligent in the changing of the passwords.  I just don’t want them changed before the newsletter goes out, and I’m usually on my way to work when that happens.

I didn’t have any announcements to make this week, but if you have one, you can always email or dm me with a link to the info and I will add it to this newsletter.  It’s my way of giving back to those who have given me so much.

The Classroom site is
The password for this week is: shading

Drawing Class:  The Shadow! Tuesday night 6pm central.  This week I will demonstrate how the combined shapes and textures for shading on an object.  We’ll look at something shiny, something rough, and something furry.  Something OTHER than me.

Painting Class: Wednesday night 6pm centralPopcorn Finale! Whether this thing is done or not, this is the finale.  I’ll finish the shading and highlights and demonstrate finishing techniques.

The past classes are moving into the Pay-per-view side of ustream and on as well. $2 lets you view them online at Ustream, $5 lets you download them at, and a $10/month membership gets you unlimited downloads from the site.  You can also go register for a free membership which puts your name in the hat for things like personal works of art or a gift certificate from Dick Blick etc.

Click Here to Join!

See you




My dad and I were able to get the central heat unit running. Once I get the wiring into some conduit, build a cabinet and a Plenum, this baby'll be ready for the Midnight at Oasis art parties! In the meantime, it certainly is nice to not be chilled to the bone while working in the studio!

It's not pretty, but it works!

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Weekly Update 04DEC2011

This week I ended up running out of town for the day job and missing out on the weekly broadcast of The Artistic Biker Live! I did manage to take a break from my globetrotting to have both the drawing class and the painting class this week as well as getting the membership area of my website going.

The membership area of my site signs you up for the newsletter where the password for the classes is published every week. You will get 50% off of any workshops offered and it also signs you up for prize drawings like gift certificates to Dick Blick or some personal art work. Premium membership gets you all of that as well as unlimited, download access to all of the classes, PDFs and videos and a total of 75% off of the workshops.

Drawing Class 1:1 Drawing a Gazing Ball went on sale this week here, it's free to premium members. Painting Class 1:1 Color Wheels also went on sale this week here:

Click here to sign up for membership by going to

The Drawing Class this week was about seeing the basic shapes in the real world. With everything being made up of circles, triangles, and rectangles, I present you with some exercises you can do that will help you find them in everything you see. That class is still available for free at

The Painting Class this week centered around adding depth to the popcorn painting. I discussed shading techniques that make the object stand out and give it depth. That class is still available for free at


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Painting Class 1:1 Color Wheels

 Tonight we went through the process of creating a color wheel and experimenting with your paints.  Materials used were gesso, student and professional acrylic paint, various inexpensive brushes, multimedia paper and some index cards.

[nonmember]This class is no longer available as free content.  You can download this class for $5 by clicking the Pay Pay button below:


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