Watercolor Wednesday on Thursday S7E34

Artistic Biker Watercolor Wednesday Alan

Artistic Biker Watercolor Wednesday Alan

Most Wednesdays I pull a photo from one of my Facebook friends public profiles and watercolor it. This week, it was my pal Alan.

You can see a speed painting of this at The You Tube here: https://youtu.be/L5IFaPxBCmg

Free $2 Tutorial: Watercolor Flow

Watercolor Flow Demo

Watercolor Flow Demo

I played with some watercolors and their natural flow and watched it not work on cue.

You can watch the demo in real time at The You Tube here: https://youtu.be/fDhpOLB7N88

In case you missed the Artist’s Corner S7E34

artistic biker church sketch

artistic biker church sketch

With the beginning of February I’m pretty sure your New Year’s resolutions to go to the gym more often and lose weight are starting to wane. Time to introduce some new habits. I have a couple of friends running some encouraging programs in February

.Jeanette Jobson has a daily sketch habit group on Facebook for the entire month.


It is a closed group so she can keep out the negative folks and you can feel free to sketch and share it only with those of a like mind. Click on the link and it’ll take you there to request to join.

Next up is Ayala Art. She runs the 29 Faces group on the Facebook. Every February and September she encourages folks to draw one human(ish) face a day for at least 29 days.


29 Faces is also a closed group but again it’s just to keep out the looky loos and nay sayers. Head on over their and give her a shout so you can play along.


And of course, my daily sketch habit is ongoing.

Here at the blog I post the reference photos and my interpretation of them weekly as well as maintain a gallery of past references. I also post them daily to The Artistic Biker Facebook pageand have just started a group so you can share your works as well:


If you have or know of a class, challenge, or group that supports art and needs telling about, hit me up on the
Contact Form!