Art & stuff 22MAY2013


Wednesday and Thursday are the last two official class days with the Leadership Arts.  I’ve really had a lot of fun getting to know some of these folks and look forward to working with them on more projects.

We spent today at the Istvan Gallery on Oklahoma City. They share the space with working glass artist’s and spent the time between sessions watching them teach.





The Istvan Gallery was created in what was an abandoned automotive repair school. Find out more about them HERE:

Art Journal Cinco de Madre!

Ustream Screen Capture

This week’s episode of The Artistic Biker Live! landed on Cinco de Mayo.  I thought in celebration of that, I would do a brightly colored villa adorned with tulips.  Why tulips? Because the following Sunday is Mother’s Day here in the U.S. and apparently, tulips are the traditional flower of Mother’s Day.  Anyway, once I painted the tulip in the journal, I really liked the way it worked with that background.  So, I set the journal page aside and did a mock-up painting to see if the tulip would lend itself to my larger expired calendar painting canvases.  I believe it will work out very well, and I’ll get some practice too.  The first one is already promised to my mother for Mother’s Day.  Click Here to Watch This Week’s Episode!

Don’t miss The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday night from 6-8p CDT.


21 Secrets is still going on over at Dirty Footprints Studios.  If you are unfamiliar, Connie Hozvicka gather’s 21 great teachers under one workshop to give you several weeks of 21 different styles and techniques.  Click Here for 21-secrets!

Moon-light Studios is gearing up for a 10-week certified drawing class.  Upon completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal or just paste into your journal.  The class is designed to help any skill level artist improve.  The best part is the class is only $25! I lied, THE BEST PART is that of that $25, Jay will donate $5 to Oasis Studios and Gallery (my studio where we broadcast The Artistic Biker Live!).  He also has said that anything you pay above that, he will donate too! Click Here for Moonlight Studios Drawing Classes!

Dale Anne Potter is still raising money for her trip to Madrid, Spain. For those who don’t know, she has been invited to participate in an artist’s retreat there.  All she needed was a way to get there and a place to stay while there. Oh, and food and spending monies.  Well, her air fair and hotel are paid for.  Now she’s trying to get food and cab money.  If you can donate, Barb and Mitzi will make you stuff as a thank you.  If you can’t, spread the word so that others might be able to.  Click Here to Donate to DaleAnne!

While we’re talking about donations, in the upper right hand corner of this sight you will see a donate button.  Please feel free to click that and make a contribution! Click Here to Donate to Oasis!

Trevor Jones Art is looking for 140 artists to donate a post card sized work that is environmentally themed for a showing and auction in Scotland to save the Caledonian Forest.  If you would like to participate, or know someone who would, send them his way.  Click Here to Art for a Forest!

If you have any announcements you would like to see here, send them my way.  I’m happy to give back to a community that has given me so much! Click Here to Add Your Announcement!

What’s On Your Easel?

Several people sent me links to their works this week and I had technical difficulties that couldn’t be resolved in time for the show.  I will try to get the ones I missed on the air next week, but here they all are for your web perusing enjoyment!

@Ikerrilove from twitter sent me what she was working on, “Art in the Dark”, as she was working by candle light with no electricity!

@mique_w sent me a couple of digital works she had going on:

@spinrants sent me images from his digital design class he’s taking:

@katost sent me a pic of this lovely painting that is now on her splash page of her website!

If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in What’s On Your Easel? send them my way! Click Here to Add Your Easel!

Teh YouTube:

You can watch this week’s video at Teh YouTube, or in the embedded player below:

The Dark Muse

My buddy Juriaan has gathered up a BUNCH of his fine art and craft art and performance art and you-name-it art colleagues and friends and has made himself a little magazine called “The Dark Muse”. It’s a VERY ambitious project in that he aspires to include ALL things art. Now THAT’S living the creative life! Bravo, my friend, bravo!

Check out his magazine, The Dark Muse

U-stream and Podcast Update 19AUG2010

This week I’ll be talking with Juriaan, a freelance artist in Seattle, WA.  ”Jay” and I will be discussing the importance in a strong drawing foundation in ALL of the arts and how to get there in your daily practice.  Also, this week there will be a drawing for membership in Leslie Herger’s Old Skool Drawing Class.  Be sure to check out The Artistic Biker Live! every Thursday 7-9pm U.S. Central time.

Upcoming events on The Artistic Biker Live!:

19AUG2010 Juriaan The Viking will be joining us to discuss quick drawing techniques that can easily applied anywhere, and life as a professional artist!

26AUG2010 Ricë Freeman-Zachery will be joining us discussing her amazing textile works, sewing, and meeting great people even in West Texico.

Podcast Update:

For the last few weeks I have been struggling trying to pull usable audio out of the ustream broadcast so that I could publish the interviews here as a podcast.  THAT seems to take a lo-oo-ong time.  I will have to figure out another way to do it if I’m going to get all of these recordings online in a more timely manner.  But, after the long wait, here is the interview with the Journal Girl herself: Samantha Kira!