EDM 101: Draw a power plug
It’s finally here! It is the official launch of The Artistic Biker. No more late nights working out bugs! (Yeah, right) No more stressing at the last minute whether or not the blog is going to be ready on time! (Double yeah, right) And finally an end to the chaos, organization has finally settle… Oh who am I kidding.
What better way to launch a new website than with EDM 101: Draw a power plug. Plug me in and turn me on! Um… moving along.

April 2009 Virtual Sketch Date
Also, this month’s Virtual Sketch Date challenge was a rhododendron bud. The reference photo was provided by Jeanette Jobson. Here is my loose watercolor interpretation.
The Artistic Biker is home now to all things related to Blade’s Art. As I travel the highways on the bike, meet people, draw, paint, dance naked in the streams… O.K. maybe not that last part, at least not here in pictures… But as I travel I will be posting here to tell you all about it. I have a loosely defined schedule in mind and a few things that are still developing.
First, I would like to point out the Blog Roll on the right hand side. These are the blogs that I read and follow daily. I think that you too could find joy and benefit from checking them out. If you have one you would like me to consider, feel free to contact me and I will look into it. There are a ton of other sites that I peruse irregularly, mostly because they post irregularly. The same is true for the links that are not blogs. The ones I frequent most often are in the sidebar.  The master list of links will be listed HERE on a seperate Linky page. I will be doing a weekly review of all of the links I’m given and that I find through the week. More on that as the week progresses.
Next I would like to point out the “Comment Love” icon in the comment area of the posts. When you fill out the comment fields with your blog information, comment love will direct readers to your most recent blog post. If you are registered with comment love, it will also track click-throughs for you so you will know how many people have followed your link. I think that’s just pretty cool.
Two features that are not online yet are the forum and the catalogue. The forum will be up as soon as I figure out all the tweaks to make it’s theme match the rest of my site. The catalogue is developing nicely. I have several quality products mostly geared towards studio portability and innovation. If you have a product you would like featured, please contact me for review.
Finally, I would like for you to notice the Pay Pal Donate button. Art supplies and motorcycle maintenance are not free. If you are at all entertained by something on this site, please donate to the cause.