Back to Basics

hummingbirdWe’re going through some severe shake ups at my day job so I may not be able to post regularly again for a while.  It may be more of the mobile phone uploads.  Today, however, I thought I’d post this sketch that I did this weekend.  A friend of mine on facebook asked me to draw a hummingbird for her.

Ball point pen on Canson, 65# recycled paper, 9×12.

The Student Sketchbooks!

The Student Sketchbooks!

The Student Sketchbooks!

My new Student grade sketchbooks have arrived!  I needed something to hand out to my student(s) to work in so that I could keep track of (t)he(i)r daily progress.  I needed something that would be portable, comfortable, and high quality.  I needed it to not be made in China.  So, I decided to have some made.  I will, of course, make these available through the website, but for right now, they are just for my student(s) and the folks that volunteered to test drive them for me.

Illustration Friday: Cravings

Illustration Friday: Cravings

They are not really for wet media, but I wanted to try a quick watercolor on them.  I zipped over to Illustration Friday to see what this week’s theme is, and found it was cravings.  The first thing that popped into my mind was pickles and ice cream.  So I thought I’d splash that out real quick just to demonstrate my favorite feature of these.

Standard 4" x 6" photo album

Standard 4" x 6" photo album

These have a 70# (103.6 g/m2),  super white (brightness 96) paper in them and are perforated to be torn out in such a way that the final sheet is 4″ x 6″, or the size of a standard 35mm photo.  That gives you a pretty neat way to keep track of the ones you like.  Just slip the finished project in a sleeve of any photo album and whamo, instant portfolio.

4" x 6" portfolio

4" x 6" portfolio

That makes it perfect to keep on your desk, show off to your friends and family or give to your dad for Father’s Day.  It’s also a very convenient way for my student(s) to keep track of (t)he(i)r progress.

I only have the one student right now, but I am STOKED about getting more.

Saturday Sketchbook 30MAY2009

Virtual Sketch Date

Virtual Sketch Date

It is time once again, the last week of every month, for the Virtual Sketch Date! At the VSD, they post a photo reference every month and you are supposed to give your rendition of it.  It is open to any artist in, I believe, any medium.  You are given one week after the photo is posted to put up your version.  The only sort-of rule is that the first image needs to be related to the reference photo.  That is, draw/paint/sculpt this image before you begin your abstract fantasy sci fi masterpiece.  vsdmay09bI did mine while watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Girl2.  With all the jumping around and Mutant Ninja action, we had a mishap that included Girl2’s foot, my elbow and a PITT pen.  For the record, you can’t really scrape cheap paper.

On that, I met with my printer yesterday and the new sketchbooks will be ready by next Friday.  It really took some doing deciding what paper, binding and even the cover cardstock I wanted to use.  But we finally agreed and the first set will be rolling off the presses Friday!  If you would like one, I’m sending out a few to my artistic friends so that I can get some feedback before I end up with 1000 of these in my garage.

E-mail me with your mailing address and, if you’re one of the first 25, I’ll send you one!

The Artistic Biker Fine Art Sketchbook.  Smooth watercolor paper, 50% cotton, 50% synthetic.  4" x 6" perferated pages.  Made in the U.S.A.

The Artistic Biker Fine Art Sketchbook. Smooth watercolor paper (U.S. domestic), 50% cotton, 50% synthetic. 4" x 6" perforated pages. Made in the U.S.A.

Saturday Responsiblities

Guess what I'm supposed to be doing?

Guess what I'm supposed to be doing?

Ah, a three day weekend.  Plenty of time for rest and relaxation.  Time to do the things that I have put off doing for myself like sunbathing, or taking a rest or… Oh, apperantly I’m supposed to be doing chores.  I am apparently supposed to take care of the yard maintenance, the vehicle maintenance, and any other “honeydew” my lovely young bride has in mind to make our humble abode more pleasant.  I pulled the lawn mower out and saw how 20+ days of rain have affected our yard and thought, “What a great painting that would make!”


compositional sketch 1

So, I ran into the house and grabbed my sketchbook.  I put the lawnmower just the way I thought it should go and walked around it for close to 30 minutes looking at it from different angles and configurations.  This was when my wife caught me.

It’s not so much that she was mad at me, she really wasn’t even frustrated at me.  She just managed to give me a look of disbelief.  One of those looks that makes you feel guilty that you’re not doing what’s expected of you.  She brought me a hat and my mini-sketch book and said, “That would make a nice painting.”  That’s just one of the MANY reasons I love her.

comp. sketch 2

comp. sketch 2

comp sketch 3

comp sketch 3

comp. sketch 4

comp. sketch

color study

color study

Finally, I broke out the mini-sketch book to make this color study.  As I was finishing it up, I could hear the thunder.  I looked up to see scattered clouds on an otherwise gloriously sunny day.  I grabbed my camera phone and snapped a photo of the final layout.  Ten minutes later it started raining in what we call locally rain-shine.  That’s when you’re standing in direct sunlight and still get a soaking.  I probably should have mowed the lawn at some point.  But I believe it will make an EXCELLENT painting.

A Dear College Friend Chimes In…

Secret Silvy

Secret Silvy

On Friday’s I like to post a few critiques.  The artist I had scheduled to chat with this week had something come up at the last minute.  Not to worry though, she made me promise to give her a rain check.  I ran into one of my dearest friends from college on Facebook.  She and my lovely bride were room mates and at one time we did practically everything together.  One day, however, she ran away from the circus to join a home and now she and her husband have a custom jewelry business.  You can see her work at Secret Silvy.  As a matter of fact, if you check there regularly you can watch their website grow as it is currently a Work In Progress!  Laura volunteered to help me out with a few critiques this week and it is greatly appreciated!

The old Washita Theater

The old Washita Theater

Washita Theater is an awesome depiction of times gone by.  The picture sort of clashes with itself though.  The column down the center has a 40’s feel, while the marquee looks like the bumper of a 50’s style car.  I think it’s because there’s no separating line between the two sides of the marquee, and the right end is angled a bit much.  I’m not sure if it’s the re-sizing of the picture, or if the lettering on the marquee are supposed to be illegible, but in this digital copy, there’s a slight cartoon feel since I can’t read the letters.  This is an excellent capture with what I will call “personal touches!”

EDM 121: Draw Something Shady

EDM 121: Draw Something Shady

EDM 121: Draw Something Shady

Looking at the “shady” picture, I am amazed at the depth that it has.  I just want to walk right up and sit on the swing, but I’m afraid I’d bust out the window behind it.  Something about the tree… looks like it’s reaching in under the porch on the right side.  But how could that be if the swing looks like it’s against the wall/window?  Didn’t notice it though until I was just staring at my screen while talking on the phone!  Otherwise, an excellent job!

College Chapel

College Chapel

College Chapel

I absolutely love the College Chapel.  It looks like a picture you would see of a small chapel in a fairy tale book.  If you stare at the tower too long, it begins to look fuzzy, like you’re seeing double.  The clock not showing an actual time adds to the fairy tale style.

Thank You Laura!

Laura, I can’t thank you enough for taking time to comment on my site and my works.  Readers, be sure and check out Laura’s site as well at Secret Silvy.

Open invitation to critique Fridays.

If you would like to participate in Friday’s critiques, please contact me and I will be more than happy to set it up.

EDM 122: Draw A Bell

EDM 122: Draw A Bell

EDM 122: Draw A Bell

Tonight’s EDM challenge, draw a bell, is another of those that pushes my comfort zone.  I still don’t like to draw reflective surfaces.  However, I think that particular set of skills is coming along nicely.  Before long I’ll be rendering Gazing Balls for your enjoyment.  <snicker> JUST JACK</snicker>