The Student Sketchbooks!
My new Student grade sketchbooks have arrived! I needed something to hand out to my student(s) to work in so that I could keep track of (t)he(i)r daily progress. I needed something that would be portable, comfortable, and high quality. I needed it to not be made in China. So, I decided to have some made. I will, of course, make these available through the website, but for right now, they are just for my student(s) and the folks that volunteered to test drive them for me.
Illustration Friday: Cravings
They are not really for wet media, but I wanted to try a quick watercolor on them. I zipped over to Illustration Friday to see what this week’s theme is, and found it was cravings. The first thing that popped into my mind was pickles and ice cream. So I thought I’d splash that out real quick just to demonstrate my favorite feature of these.
Standard 4" x 6" photo album
These have a 70# (103.6 g/m2), super white (brightness 96) paper in them and are perforated to be torn out in such a way that the final sheet is 4″ x 6″, or the size of a standard 35mm photo. That gives you a pretty neat way to keep track of the ones you like. Just slip the finished project in a sleeve of any photo album and whamo, instant portfolio.
4" x 6" portfolio
That makes it perfect to keep on your desk, show off to your friends and family or give to your dad for Father’s Day. It’s also a very convenient way for my student(s) to keep track of (t)he(i)r progress.
I only have the one student right now, but I am STOKED about getting more.