What’s On Your Easel 09May2013



Each week on The Artistic Biker Live, I have a segment where I promote other artists around the web in what I like to call “What’s On Your Easel?”!  Here are this week’s entries:


Last week we had works submitted by Athala – http://www.youtube.com/user/JandrAthala




And Jay the Viking – http://moon-light-creations.webs.com/ ,


If you would like to be a part of “What’s On Your Easel?” just send a link to blade@artisticbiker.com

Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/TheArtisticBiker
Newslettery Goodness – https://www.artisticbiker.com/?page_id=1896




On the last Tuesday of every month I attend the Oklahoma City Colored Pencil Society of America meeting.  We meet at the Hobby Lobby in Mid West City.  You can find more about the meeting place and times at the OKC CSPA website. 

Last week we had on the agenda a demonstration by J.R. Daniels on color pencil technique, and a presentation by club president David McBride on how to resize your art work for online submission.

J.R. set up his pencils and began drawing a beautiful dragon’s head.  He showed us a few tips and tricks on color selection and mixing, layering and blending.  He spent most of the meeting working on this even through David’s presentation.  The presentation on preparing your work digitally for online submission had some pretty good tips.  David geared the show toward the technologically challenged, so it was a little on the thin side for me.  But he did demonstrate some things in MS Paint that I had not previously known you could do.  When I began messing with paint programs I found Paint Shop Pro and never looked back.  So when David got the the PSP portion of the program, I was really keen to see what he knew that I didn’t.  ;)  Mr. McBride demonstrated with his own artwork how to resize it in a manner that would preserve the sharpness of the image.  He went on to demonstrate how to create new works entirely digitally.  David put on a sharp and interesting presentation and a good time was had that night.  I don’t have any pics of J.R.’s dragon, but David took quite a few.  He will post them the to OKCCPSA website if he ever gets a break from school, family and his day job.  Good luck with that, David.  I know it’s been a constant struggle for me.

I am posting tonight from a borrowed laptop as I am 500 miles from home on a business trip.  I wasn’t cool enough to scan in any pics or bring any thing with me colored pencil wise that was ready to be exposed to the world, so I thought I’d leave you with a drawing I did from a lesson at drawsketch.about.com.


We'll figure it out

disgruntledmanequinI’m so desperate to get back to figure drawing group!  I had no idea how addictive it was.  For the last three weeks it has been rained out and this week is the Colored Pencil Society of America meeting.  I’ll let you know how that goes next week.  In the mean time, I will continue to play with my disgruntled manequin.

The Everyday Matters Challenge is still going on.  I continue to work on them every day.  I am getting a little ahead of the site, though, so that I may cut back on the late nights and the time away from the girls.

Girl2's Sketchbook

Girl2's Sketchbook

Speaking of the girls, Girl2 decided she wanted to be just like Daddy when we went to the zoo on Memorial Day.  So, a quick trip through Wal*Mart and she has her very own, personalized sketch book.  Now she can sit and draw with me when we go out.  How cool is THAT? ;)

It Figures!

EDM 120: Draw some coins

EDM 120: Draw some coins

After two weeks of being rained out, I’m wondering if I’m ever going be able to make it back to figure drawing group.  I missed it this week also because of some ugly personal business, so you know I’ll be scrounging for something to put online for next week.  Maybe I can get my beautiful young bride to pose for me.  I have heard many complaints that there weren’t any pictures of her online anyway.  One of the great many things I enjoy about my lovely wife is that she is addicted to all things shiny.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a diamond ring or an alluminium wrapper from a stick of gum, if it’s shiny she likes it.  I’ll refrain from making any Crow or Bird Brain references here.  Tonight’s EDM challenge, draw some coins, got me thinking that maybe she would pose for me if offered her these shiny coins.  I wonder what a roll of dimes would get me.  Eat your heart out, people, that only works for me.

Figure Drawing Rained Out

Dynamic Virtual Poses from Posemaniac

Dynamic Virtual Poses from Posemaniac

Did I mention that I am usually on a motorcycle.  We have had 17 straight days of rain!  That makes it very difficult to get the art supplies from home to the group studio!  Exclamation!  Fortunately, we have these here interwebs.  There is a site that I have recently been playing around with called Posemaniacs.  It’s in Chinese, but google translater will fix that for you if needs be.  There may actually be an English version of it somewhere, but this one works fine for me.  Anyway, as you can see they have male and female muscular figures in 19,440 poses.  You can set a timer and let them rotate through a random slide show at set intervals.  If you see one you like, you can view it statically with the pose viewer.  I have been setting it for 30 seconds and doing ten minute drills.  This is exactly the kind of practice I need for my field sketching.

EDM 117

EDM 117: Draw hair or something hairy

EDM 117, draw hair or something hairy.  Recently, preparations have been in process for my 20th high school reunion.  I have been poring over old photographs and sharing stories with my family.  Mostly, I have been posting embarrassing pix to Facebook.  I graduated in the 80’s so there are TONS of pictures of mullets and bangs.  Guys and girls alike would go through a can of Aquanet every week.