Relay for Life

luminary-drawingFriday, Jun 12th, 2009
We went to the Relay for Life at the Bricktown Ballpark in Oklahoma City. There were close to a thousand people on hand for the ceremony. There were tears, laughter and dancing. It is a great celebration of the life of lost loved ones, and the life of cancersurvivors.

My Mother and Mother-In-Law are both cancer survivors so the Relay for Life event is very dear to my family.


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0 thoughts on “Relay for Life

  1. As an extra note, since you were so young in 1976, your dad is a survivor also, bone cancer of the left hand.

  2. Your dad wrote that comment. To be real honest, I don’t remember much about it. I do remember that this is the time he took vacation but his supervisor charged it to sick leave. Only sick leave he took in 22 years!

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