This Saturday I will be teaching an outdoor sketching class for the Chickasha Area Art Council’s First Saturday Kids Club. I have been stressing a bit about where to get inexpensive sketchbooks. It wasn’t going to be a big deal. I was going to just fold over some 11″x17″ paper and loan them a clipboard. YESTERDAY, however, I stumbled across a school supply warehouse that was open to the public. They have apparently been around for 100 years. When I asked about student sketchbooks, she led me down a dusty old Aisle and showed me a stack of 12″x18″ sketchbooks that had been on that shelf for over 15 years. They sold them to me for 25¢ each so I bought all of them. Then I brought them to my day job and put them on the shear to cut them in half. Now I have 74 9″x12″ sketchpads that cost 12.5¢ each. I love finding bargains like that!
Where do YOU find your best art supply savings?