5 Minute Nudes Feb06-Feb12

NUDITY ALERT! Duh! I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of February 06, 2012 through February 12, 2012.

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

5 min nude 06FEB20125 min nude 07FEB20125 min nude 08FEB20125 min nude 09FEB20125 min nude 10FEB20125 min nude 11FEB20125 min nude 12FEB2012

The Classroom 07FEB2012

This week in the classroom we talked about foreshortening.  Foreshortening is a perspective tool where you show closer shapes of an object overlapping shapes that are further away.  For instance, in the foot drawing above, the toes are bigger and bolder than the arch of the foot. The arch is bigger and bolder than the ankle and calf. That foot is bigger and darker than the foot on the right, giving the illusion of one foot in front of the other.  @EvelineTimeless  accurately pointed out in the chat that it looks like these feet are actually walking towards you.

We spent about twenty minutes going over the basics of single point and multi-point perspective and then another thirty minutes discussing how that applies to the figure.  Interestingly enough, while foreshortening applies to any kind of overlapping and atmospheric perspective, I rarely find  the term used in other than life drawings.

Click Here to watch the recording of the class.

You’ll need the password to log in.  You can find the password in the newsletter here: https://www.artisticbiker.com/newsletter.

5 Minute Nudes Jan23-Feb05

NUDITY ALERT! Duh! I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of January 23, 2012 through February 05, 2012.

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

5 min nude 23JAN20125 min nude 24JAN20125 min nude 25JAN20125 min nude 26JAN20125 min nude 27JAN20125 min nude 28JAN20125 min nude 29JAN20125 min nude 30JAN20125 min nude 31JAN20125 min nude 01FEB20125 min nude 02FEB20125 min nude 03FEB20125 min nude 04FEB20125 min nude 05FEB2012

5 Minute Nudes Jan16-Jan22

NUDITY ALERT! Duh! I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of January 16, 2012 through January 22, 2012.

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

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Drawing Class 10: Still Life

still life with rum

Last week in Drawing Class, we discussed direction of the class.  I asked the audience where they would like me to go with the class and what they would like to see more often.  I took a lot of notes while working on this quick still life.

There will be no classes this week as the day job whisks me to foreign, 3rd world  countries (Texas).  But we will be back January 31 with a new season of Drawing Class.

The class is free and online at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/oasisgalleryok
The password to get into the class is in the newsletter here: https://www.artisticbiker.com/newsletter