5 Minute Nudes Jan09-Jan15

I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of January 09, 2012 through January 15, 2012

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

5 min nude 09JAN20125 min nude 10JAN20125 min nude 11JAN20125 min nude 12JAN20125 min nude 13JAN20125 min nude 14JAN20125 min nude 15JAN2012

5 Minute Nudes Jan02-Jan08

I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of January 02, 2012 through January 08, 2012

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the Gallery under 5 minute nudes.

5 min nude 02JAN2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 03JAN2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 04JAN2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 05JAN2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 06JAN2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 07JAN2012#100DaysArt 5 min nude 08JAN2012

Drawing Class 9: The Eye

Drawing Class: The EyeTonight in Drawing Class I laid down the basics on how to draw an eye.  I demonstrate how the human anatomy and life drawing can be broken down into basic shapes so that you can get a better understanding of the shading.  I also talk about how using the AOH method as a tool, while helpful in understanding, can be a bit cumbersome because of the way it inhibits the fluid motion of a life drawing.

I drew three quick eyes to demonstrate differing styles such as the quick sketch,  a basic drawing, or a fully realized rendering.

The class is free and online at http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19554806
The password to get into the class is in the newsletter here: https://www.artisticbiker.com/newsletter


5 Minute Nudes Dec26-Jan01

I am spending 5 minutes a day practicing drawing naked ladies nude figures. This is part of my #100DaysArt process where I pick something to practice for 100 days in a row.  Here are the 5 minute nudes for the week of December 26, 2011 through January 01, 2012

All of the previous 5 minute nudes may be found in the gallery under 5 min nudes.

5 minute nude 26DEC20115 minute nude 27DEC20115 minute nude 28DEC20115 minute nude 29DEC20115 minute nude 30DEC20115 minute nude 31DEC20115 minute nude 01JAN2012

Painting Class: Fire Hydrant Finale

Tonight in Painting Class I finished up the fire hydrant example I have been working on. We talked about pushing the colors, using quality materials, atmospheric perspective and the whole lot. Immediately after I turned the cameras off, I decided to ink it. I'm really glad I did.

The class is online and free at http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19435761
The password for the class can be found in the current newsletter here: https://www.artisticbiker.com/newsletter


In album The Classroom (1 photo)

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