Drawing Class: Cones & Zirconia

Metallic Cone used in drawing classTonight we looked at the basic structure and shading of cones.  Using a spraypainted party hat as a model, I demonstrate the basic shape and shading of a cone.  We briefly discussed applying that to other triangles and cones in diamonds, bottles, and even the negative spaces in plants.

[nonmember]This class is no longer available as free content.  All classes are left free online at Oasis Studio’s Ustream for four weeks after recording.  You may download and watch at your leisure here for $5.


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Art Journal Holiday Diets

Diets are freaking POINTLESS during the holidays. People will for just OUT OF THE BLUE bring a spiced bread or home made fudge or bag of candy coated chocolate covered cherries… So I journaled about it. :)

The Ustream blew a breaker 20 minutes in, so there is a part I (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19170588) and a part II (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19170865) if you wish to see the two hour show in it's entirety.
The 7 minute You Tube version is available here: Art Journal Holiday Diets

This week's What's On Your Easel featured artists were:
@threedot http://t.co/xxAwRrB
+Eveline Hessels bit.ly/ut4Anv bit.ly/tJabq3
+Darcy Wilkinson http://t.co/NKhKARG
+Kerri Love http://t.co/92YH4FC
+Leslie Herger http://t.co/SEv55Ox
(Leslie has a whole series of videos about her automatic drawings you can find on her website here: http://t.co/EJPy4gA )
+jay the viking http://t.co/AAXQOKh
@carolbinokc http://t.co/AvY1D0s
Bill Flowers http://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeartist/works/8211985-catwoman-and-the-coachwhip
+Deina McIntosh http://www.flickr.com/photos/glimmermoonstone/6502340799/in/photostream

The week's In Chat Links were:


Whew. That's it for this week. Be sure and tune in next week to The Artistic Biker Live! Same Artistic Biker Time, same Artistic Biker channel!
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-artistic-biker Thursday nights from 6-8p Central.


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New Stuffs!

So, since I was SO incredibly happy with my waterbrush filled with ink, I decided to try it with a whole series of pigmented inks. I bought the primaries and secondaries of Dr. Ph Martin's Bomby pigmented India inks (http://www.cheapjoes.com/cat/5670/)

Of course, before I can do anything else with them, I have to experiment to find out how they can be used. :) I'll post the results when I'm done, and I'll most DEFINITELY talk about the process on The Artistic Biker Live! Thursday night at 6p Central: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-artistic-biker


In album Shots from the studio (3 photos)

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Daddy-Daughter Breakfast 17DEC2011

Girl2 and I have simplified breakfast into sharing whatever whoever decides first wants. For instance, if I wake up knowing I want eggs, we share eggs. If she wants pancakes first, that's what we get. Then we sketch while we wait on the food. This week, she wanted me to sketch her. So I did.


In album Daddy/Daughter Breakfast (2 photos)

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Drawing Class in Perspective!

Watch the class here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19129250
Get the Login info here: http://eepurl.com/hKQe-/

Sign up for the newsletter to learn about upcoming classes and workshops as well as cool, art related links! https://www.artisticbiker.com/newsletter/

Perspective is one of those subjects that you could talk about and study for years, but I only had an hour so I just hit the highlights. However, I covered a LOT of information fast and furious in out little one hour session. I discussed when and how to use simple up close perspective VS. two point. I discussed using the basic knowledge of perspective to block in your subject so you can spend more time on the details. Finally I illustrate how perspective plays a part in figure drawing and still lifes as well as landscapes.

For other classes please visit The Classroom here: https://www.artisticbiker.com/category/ppp/


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