Art Journal: Flaming Turkey

5 minute YouTube: Art Journal Flaming Turkey
2 hour Ustream:

A year or two ago, I decided to fry a turkey for Thanksgiving. I borrowed a turkey fryer and carefully read all the directions. The directions tell you to place the turkey in the pot and fill the pot with water until it just covers the bird. Then you take the bird out and make note of where the top of the water is. That is supposed to be the amount of oil you use to fry the turkey. I filled the pot to the mark with peanut oil and heated it to the prescribed temperature and carefully lowered Thomas into the vat. This is where things go awry. They don't tell you in the instructions to allow room for the hot oil to EXPAND. So, when I put the bird in the vat, the vat overflowed and fire ensued. Big fire. Fire taller than my porch fire. I was smart enough to immediately turn off the propane and disconnect the hose. I also had the presence of mind to put the lid on the pot and wrap a wet towel around it to smother the flames. Somehow, all of that sense didn't come to me in time to PREVENT the fire.

This art journal entry is a spray paint and collage back ground with skunk drawn on watercolor paper and pasted in then painted with student grade acrylics.

This weeks featured artists are:
+Darcy Wilkinson
+jay the viking

This week's chat room links:


In album art journal pages (1 photo)

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Saturday Morning Sketches 19NOV2011

On Saturday mornings we have a tradition of Girl2 and I going to breakfast together. Just the two of us talking about what happened during the week, singing songs and stealing each other's food. I usually steal a bite (or two) of her biscuits and gravy, and she can NOT be trusted around bacon. This is our alone time and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I look forward to it every week.

The two of us have our own special sketchbooks that we take to breakfast with us. We both work in them while we wait for the food to arrive. This was what we did this week.


In album Daddy/Daughter Breakfast (1 photo)

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Drawing Class: A Drinking Glass

Lines, elipses, and reflections, oh my! This week we focus on the shading of cylinders, practicing line and elipse drawing and noticing the particulars in a drinking glass. Then it ends with a 3-minute sketch demoing the techniques discussed.

The classes are free and the recording will remain available for four weeks at

The password to get into the classes is in the newsletter here:

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Art Journal: OK Apocalypse 2011

5 minutes: Art Journal Apocalypse
2 hours:

WOW! Talk about a crazy week! In Oklahoma, we have had flooding, tornadoes, hail storms, and earthquakes! Add to that an infant that now wakes up an hour earlier because of FREAKIN' TIME CHANGE… That's some Bloomin' Adversity right there, let me tell ya! This page was inspired by one of the opening sequences on the old Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. I was always impressed how they never even seemed to TRY to draw anything even closely resembling their subject. A black round thing with small stripes was just as likely a phone, bowling ball, tennis shoe or skunk.

After Thanksgiving, DeDe A.K.A.@inkiscript, will be taking students for personal workshops taught via Skype. If anyone is interested in getting on the waiting list, please email her at

This week's featured artists were:
+Eveline Hessels
+jay the viking
+Darcy Wilkinson

This week's chat supporters were:


In album art journal pages (1 photo)

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Studio Update 13NOV2011

I did not get nearly as far as I had hoped with a three day weekend. However, I did manage to get a quote on the installation of the donated heat pump, and it's way more than I'm willing to pay. I also managed to board up all of the sagging windows before the real cold gets here. And I got four of the six "faux walls" installed and the last two framed up. Not a bad weekend after all.


In album Shots from the studio (3 photos)

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