Gallery Update 111111

I met with the HVAC contractor this morning for a quote on installing the donated heat pump in the studio. The contractor called back with a quote this afternoon of $1680. That's with ME building the box and cabinet for the blower, cutting the hole through the wall, building the stand for the compressor outside, and NOT including the electric work. I believe that I shall seek another quote. o.O

Then I went to the Veteran's Day ceremony. Every year, I notice fewer and fewer of the WWII, Korea, and Vietnam veterans. I'm also noticing fewer of the Desert Storm veterans as the guys in my unit are aging and passing away as well. I wonder why all the men in my unit all look so old. I'm good with that as long as I can stay away from a mirror. I start to think there aren't as many veterans coming to these things, then I realize that all the people I thought were just kids are the new crop of vets home from Afghanistan & Iraq. The hardest part of the whole ceremony for me is watching the Gold Star Wives and Mothers receive their awards. It always breaks my heart.

Anyway, then I went back to the studio and finished hanging these two faux walls. I'll be hanging art work from them before long now. With Girl2's soccer season over, I should be able to get a lot more done on the weekends.


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Paint Class: Color Wheels
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Tonight we covered color wheels and cards. What they are good for and why you should do them, as well as why I usually don’t. :) If you want to art along, you will want some index cards and some paints of your choosing. I will be sticking with primary, secondary and neutral acrylics, and a few watercolors. It was very cold in the studio tonight so there was a LOT of fast talking. :)

If you have any questions or feed back, feel free to write me


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Drawing Class: Essence of Gazing Ball
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Tonight, we went through the basics of drawing a circle, shading a sphere, and seeing reflections. Materials used were a 2B charcoal pencil and a sketchbook. The subjects were a glass ball, a matte silver Christmas ornament, and a silver mirrored Christmas ornament… 'cause gazing balls are pricey! If you have any questions or feed back, feel free to write me


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Drilling anchor bolts

Drilling anchor bolts wears me out. You would think this part would go faster. Soon, a little trim and paint work will be all that's left to do in the gallery. Then I just need to do something about a parking lot and I'm done!

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Slow Progress

It's very slow progress working by yourself. But the gallery is coming along nicely. If I can keep this pace up we ought to be open by the time Boy2 starts college.

In album Shots from the studio (1 photo)

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