Art Journal For Movember

This week's five minute video is a tribute to Movember. Movember is where a whole bunch of people are growing fresh mustaches to raise awareness and dollars for cancer research. Last year, Movember raised $80.7M. Let's beat that this year and try to make cancer a thing of the past.

Join my team or donate here:
Watch the video here:


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A Bald Faced Self Portrait

Did you miss The Artistic Biker Live!? Watch the recording here: A Bald Faced Self Portrait

It's MOVEMBER! During the month of November, thousands of men everywhere shave their faces and grow a fresh mustache to raise awareness (and dollars) for men's cancer research. I shaved my goatee and am now growing a fresh "stache". This page was dedicated to that.

Click here: to donate or join my movember team!

A big shout out and thank you to +Rod Borghese for sharing the word last week!

This week's featured artists were:
+jay the viking
+Darcy Wilkinson


In album art journal pages (1 photo)

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It is the first day of Movember!

I am growing a new stache to raise awareness (and dollars) for men's cancer research at Have to start with a bald face to be legit. ;)

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