Video Tech 20JAN2017

Image of my video editing station

Video editing

This week’s Video Quiche (it’s pronounced “quickie”) is online at the YouTube. That’s the 3 minute version of a 90 minutes webcast. You can see it here:

The full info and steps about this process, and even the show in real time can be found on Sunday’s blog post here: The Artistic Biker Does A Complementary Sunset

Since the post on Sunday night already gave all the information about this video, I thought I would use Tuesday’s posts to talk about the tech I use to create, edit, and produce The Artistic Biker Live!

Let’s start with the software I use to create the raw footage.

After the show, there’s some things I do in post production like adjust the sound. For that I use Audacity. It is free, open sourced, and powerful. I don’t use MOST of the features available, but I use certain ones every week. When I record guitar and vocals with my snowball microphone, I rarely have to edit anything, but when I use the mic on the laptop, my phone, or the MS Life Cam mic that I currently use on the show, the sound can be a bit “tinny”. So, once I have completed ALL of the visual editing in Power Director, I use power director to extract the audio as a wav file. Using Audacity, I import the wav, adjust the base and the pitch, compress it, level, normalize it, slap it up, flip it, rub it down OH NOOOOOO!


Them I export the edited audio as an mp3 BACK into Power Director and overwrite the sound. That way I know the sound is consistent throughout the recording.

This is the unedited WAV file. Turn your headphones down.

Audio Player

This is the edited MP3 file.

Audio Player

The main difference is that all the clips put together have the same tone and volume.

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