The Artistic Biker Does The Hangman’s Knot
This week, I am in Pecos, TX, with the day job. I went to the West of The Pecos Museum and saw one of the court houses of Judge Roy Bean, “The Hanging Judge”. Â Turns out ol’ Judge Bean only really ever condemned two men to death in his entire tenure as Judge of Everything West of The Pecos. And of the two, one of them escaped.
One of the techniques employed this week was the muting of the background to make the foreground pop. Regular viewers know that I do this often as I like to obscure the backgrounds in favor of the real subject matter. In this episode after painting and drying the background, I painted the rope on top and then obscured the background with a dark blue watercolor. You can watch the full hour and a half LONGYÂ Â or you can watch it in the hyperspeed QUICHE.
Here is the 3minute 44 second  QUICHE: Mixed Media Art Journal Hanging Knott s6e30quiche
And here is 1 hour 42 minute LONGY:Â The Artistic Biker Does The Hangman’s Knott s6e30longy
What’s On Your Easel?
This week we have works from:
Pamela French

The Sexy, Red Headed Darcy,
and a class offering from Dede!

And I managed to ink out a face this week!
So, What’s On Your Easel? What have you been doing with yourself? I sincerely want to know what you are currently drawing, painting, sculpting, dancing, writing, singing, choreographing, photogging, or otherwise artistically making love to! If you would like to be a part of What’s On Your Easel, simply send an email to with the subject line Easel. We’ll use your works to inspire others to create on their own. And that’s what we’re all about here, getting people to try.