This Week’s Page

I went to North Dakota this week with the day job. With all the flooding in Oklahoma, I felt like I was one of the snakes trying to find higher ground. Thought I’d journal a bit about it.
The Videos
The 90 minute Longy raw recording, warts and all, can be found Here:ÂÂ
The 3 minute Quiche (It’s pronounced “Quickie”) can be found Here:ÂÂ
And What’s On Your Easel can be found Here:Â
The Easels
What’s On Your Easel? What have you been doing with yourself? I sincerely want to know what you are currently drawing, painting, sculpting, dancing, writing, singing, choreographing, photogging, or otherwise artistically making love to! Send an email to with the subject line “Easel” and we’ll use your works to inspire other to get up and do something creative because that’s what this is really all about.
Week before last I didn’t have the artwork with me so I could post it. Then last week I had intereweb troubles in Southern Canada (North Dakota). So we have a few extra submissions for this newsletter.
Kelly Byrne
Jamie “Artist Poet Girl” Lynn
Pamela French
The Sexy, Red-Headed Darcy
The Artistic Biker is a blunt force journey through the art world and art journaling. If Bob Ross, Red Green and Justin Wilson had a love child, it would be The Artistic Biker!
Each week I produce The Artistic Biker Live! on Ustream, then upload the edited videos HERE. So what are you waiting for? SUBSCRIBE ALREADY!